Looking forward to seeing you again!
Things will be a little different when you come back to see us. But don't worry; we've got this!
All seats £999
The theatre's bar will be open 30 minutes before the performance. Pre-ordered drinks only. You'll not be able to sit in the lower hall, but don't worry, you'll be able to take your drink into the performance.
You will need to 'check-in' using the NHS Covid-19 Contact Tracing app when you arrive, if you have a suitable device.
For your comfort and safety, you may be subject to a temperature check on arrival.
Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable point in the performance
You'll need to follow our one-way systems that are there to keep you safe. Volunteers will be on-hand to help if required.
We're looking forward to welcoming our audiences back safely. As you're probably aware, we'll be following the rules and regulations that apply to us and everyone else. This means things may be a little different than you're used to at the theatre. You'd be worried if they weren't, right?
When you arrive, we'll ensure that you're attending an event for which you have already pre-booked. You won't be able to buy tickets on the door, to limit the amount of interaction we have with our customers during the pandemic.
You can collect your refreshments (contactless payment only please) and then head straight to the show. We'll be following a one-way system in and out of the auditorium, to minimise contact with others in the stairs. Plus, social distancing will be applied to all seats.
Please ensure that you sanitise your hands, wear a face covering and maintain a safe distance from others.
As time goes on, guidance, rules and government guidelines may change. We'll follow the rules too, so will appreciate your co-operation and understanding.