Members and Patrons - Sign up today!
Our theatre relies on our members and patrons - they are the lifeblood of the company. Each production requires many volunteers to ensure its success - from actors and technical volunteers to the bar and front of house, there's a real sense of community spirit at our theatre.
Many people, who have recently joined the company have wised they had done so sooner. That's because there's more to this little theatre company than just acting! What's more, you'll be supporting a wonderful place of Portland, which must be preserved.
Membership benefits
The ability to act or participate in any aspect of stage work
Free admission to all members events such as play readings, castings and social events.
Personal satisfaction, with community enjoyment
A chance to meet new friends and share the enjoyment
Patron benefits
Advance booking forms prior to each production
Discount tickets to company productions
Ability to book before anyone else!
Free newsletters & emails, keeping you up to date with forthcoming events
Welcome to participate at all Patrons events & social evenings
Your name on the back of production programmes, in appreciation of your support
Personal satisfaction, with community involvement
The knowledge that you’re supporting a thriving theatre on Portland
Chance to meet new friends, and share the enjoyment!

Membership fees
Joining the company couldn't be easier.
Become a member of your local amateur dramatic society and enjoy the community involvement. With a wealth of theatrical experience available, a great network of friends is just moments away.
Or, if treading the boards isn't your thing, perhaps you may like to become a Patron. See the benefits opposite to help you decide which route of support you'd prefer to offer.
Current Fees
Adult Members - £5.00
Junior Members (under 18's) - £3.00
Single Patron - £10.00*
Two (Joint) Patrons - £15.00*
*Minimum donation. Patrons may pay more if they so wish.